HO HO HO is the word of the day it would seem! Santa Claus came to visit or so I'm told. He's not part of our cat mythology but from what I can gather he's some fat guy who doesn't know how to shave and is old enough to retire. And he's known for delivering the goods so he's my kind of guy! | |
It doesn't take much time googling to discover that some of the most evil people have loved dogs. Hitler had a dog. I don't think much more needs to be said! Oh, and he named the dog Blondi. It takes some serious sick psychopathology to name your dog Blondi. I hate to succumb to Godwin's Law here but the facts speak for themselves. That ain't no cat sitting next to Hitler with its tongue hanging out drooling like a moron. And besides, pets are supposed to make their humans happy and I don't see a smile on Hitler's face. Hitler wasn't a pleasant person and I wouldn't be surprised if it was his dog's fault. And I'm not blaming that dog for the holocaust. Although I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest here.
We've all heard about Cruella de Ville. She's one of the more infamous dog lovers. She had a fetish for dalmations and made them into lovely coats. Although this is a horrible way to go for an animal it's a little hard to imagine that the dogs hadn't done something to deserve it. But that's just my opinion.
And remember I said they were disgusting? Well if you plug cat lovers into google you find the most fun stories and things to buy for your own cat.
However!!! If you plug dog lovers into google ... well, I really can't find the words for the creepy, disgusting stuff that dogs do to their humans, but I suspect any human with more than a box or rocks for a brain can imagine what you might find at a web site called doglovers.com! I think we know where the phrase man's best friend came from! Listen - I'm not making this shit up! If you're not buying this then maybe you need to just grow up and face reality!!!
People don't need to worry about us cats! That's all I got to say about this matter.
Before I get started though, I'd like to point out that this photo appears to be surreptitiously taken. That guy is some kind of buddy of my owners which makes me and Seph buddies, in case anyone was wondering. That's how us cats roll. But that guy needs to get a firmer handle on his environment because nobody should allow people sneaking around taking pictures. That's just wrong. Although the guy seems lost in sleep, Seph clearly was annoyed with the intrusion into her personal space. |
The above photo reflects how loved Seph was by this big guy. I don't know his name - my owner just refers to him as "Hey, Big Guy." He's no bigger than my owner though. I'm not surprised that my owner refers to him that way - hell, he calls me the cancer cat sometimes! Talk about insensitive! He's a jerk sometimes. And he wonders why I barf on his pillow! Anyways, I seem to be having trouble getting started on this. Bottom line is Seph is now in kitty heaven. She died - might as well get that on the table, ok? She was in pain due to cancer and things weren't going to get any better for her. As hard as it was, her owner had to have her put to sleep. My cancer is in remission and I have lots of blogs detailing my fight against this anti-cat disease along with photos, but this entry isn't about me (I have the hardest time not talking about me!). Whatever, anyway, as I'm sure I don't need to let humans know (even dumb ass humans - LOL) us cats are all about quality of life. We always take the shortest path to a better quality of life. With brief distractions to murder a mouse or bird that is. That's why humans know they need to keep showering us with affection and high quality catnip and soft, warm places to sleep. Oh, and BTW, I don't need any comments about murdering mice and birds. First of all there is an excess of them and, secondly, it's not like they don't have it coming. |
What was great about Seph and her owner was that it was a relationship of mutual love and affection. I don't want to get all gushy but Seph had a rough start in this world. She was abused and then abandoned (and some people don't think there should be a death penalty!). It's surprising she lived to her old age of 16! But love conquers all (as some romantically afflicted sappy human once said). And that's not even true, but what I mean to say is that when she got adopted by her owner her life really turned around. Seph liked the good life (hey, show me a cat that doesn't! :) ), but she was a tough puss. She got hit by a car about 7 years ago and her doctors told her she would have to have her busted leg amputated. Well that was a crock of shit (I'm not going to mince words here!) and she pulled through. And she did that as a 4-legged cat, I might add! Her doctors were probably just trying to cover their asses. I've seen that before! Although not with my doctors. They are all board certified specialists and are very expensive and they read this blog so the last thing I want is for them to think that I have any doubts about them. |
Seph's owner, the guy in the unstylish white get up, took this picture just before he made that last trip to the vet. That must have been hard, but he did the right thing. Taking her to the vet at this point in her life. The writing was on the wall and as I said earlier, we cats are all about quality of life. I constantly remind my owners about this which is why I get savory Fancy Feast twice a day. Seph must have been quite a character even for a cat. I'm sure we would have gotten along well, if you know what I mean. You know, before getting snipped. Since most of my readers aren't as worldly as I am, in Greek mythology, Persephone was all about the Earth's fertility as well as being associated with the Queen of the Underworld. In later myths, Persephone was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. That kicks ass! Nowadays, Persephone is kind of known as an innocent maiden. From what I've heard of her owner (from my owner) the innocent maiden connotation probably had nothing to do with Seph! I'm just a year younger than Seph. As an older cat you get used to being called geezer cat or an old farty feline. So it's in this later phase of cat life that one really appreciates an owner who lavishes love and affection. It's good to know that Seph had all this. That's the point of humans - making their cats lives better and her owner understood this. Without getting too sappy, the world is a sadder place without her. Her owner is welcome to come to my place anytime and love me up if he wants. |
This is Marie who came over to visit for the day. She's from LA or Hollywood - some place like that. I don't think she's a movie star but I suppose she could be. As can be seen from this surveillance photo, she's got quite a thing for me! I guess her and my owner (the big one) go back quite aways. They took lots of pictures but I wasn't feeling very welcome when they would shoo me away. Cat's do not like being shooed away. It's getting pretty old how I have to go over this again and again. By going over it I'm referring to reminding them of my presence by brushing up against things and occasionally tipping their stuff over. I was snoozing in the next room on the sofa and heard Marie call for me several times. That was nice but I like to see a little more motivation from people when they want me to hang with them. She could have come looking for me. As Ellen Berkeley once said As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. I don't just come trotting out when some person calls for me. If that's what someone wants it's obvious they need to drag themselves down to a dog pound and get one of those dumb, slobbering dogs before the dog pound staff exterminate their sorry asses. Or she could have asked my big owner about the most likely places to find me. She gives good squeeze though. I guess you could say she's someone who rubs me the right way! HA! That's pretty funny. They were talking about some pretty wacky stuff so I didn't hang around much. A suggestion for the future would be that they invite me over when they take a break in the work. There's no reason why they can't be petting me when they're just sitting there and talking. It's a complete waste of human energy! She drives a prius like my owners except that hers is red. My owners prius is blue. As the Huskercat it's easy to imagine why there's more red (you know - Go Big Red!) around here than most places. I don't get why we don't have a red battery car. This is a shockng lack of attention to detail around here. |
It was good to see Amo again! She has given me the squeeze before and you didn't see me complaining! She was dressed up all snazzy and stuff and I thought maybe she was taking me out! But that's kind of silly - she wouldn't be taking a cat out! Not that there would be anything wrong with that. I like having a personal photographer around so they can capture all the love and affection that comes my way and you can sure see the loves coming from her! She clearly really really loves me. It's a good thing I deserve it so much! |
Obviously I'm the huskercat. So I really appreciate it when folks around here dress like they care about the tradition of what I'm all about. Basically, I'm special and I am always pleased when others recognize that and dress for the occasion so to speak. Amo is always so bubbly and fun but she seems all moody in this pic which I don't understand. She seems like she's in the running for emo huskergirl! HA! That's pretty funny. |
Now here's what's weird ... she drives a hearse. You know, like the car that hauls dead people to the graveyard. And it has a coffin in it. I strolled out there when her and one of my owners (the big one) had this picture taken and I got really creeped out! I like chewing on mice, but that was just goofy! But even with that, I don't think she's really emo. That's just a genre of softcore punk music that integrated unenthusiastic melodramatic teenyboppers who don't smile, but like high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with their favorite band's signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5ths of the face at an angle. Or at least that's what I hear - I don't really know anything about them. As a cultural icon, I don't hang out at places where there would be a bunch of emo youth. I'm a little old for that! Plus, I'd probably just get trampled at one of those dumps. I have my reputation to consider and who likes whiney teenagers anyway. So she's not an emo. I think she has a pouty look like Brigitte Bardot. One could do worse than that! I was just catnipped and I've been snoozing for 12 hours. I'm hungry and need to get someone to put down a plate of savory Fancy Feast. I shouldn't blog when I'm in this state! I wish she would have squeezed me when she was in her Husker t-shirt! That would have been cool. |
I admit that birds, such as the one that I murdered, can provide many aesthetic and recreational benefits to the homeowner. Watching me hunt for mice or a little featured creature or even a red-backed salamander hiding under a bush can add beauty and enjoyment to everyone's day. The humans around here need to recognize the ecological services provided by ME and how I benefit the entire backyard ecosystem. For example, worms keep the soil healthy. In a similar way, birds, such as sparrows, as any ecologist will tell you, deserve to be murdered by cats - it's part of the natural order of things. That's the way it is or God wouldn't have made us cats cold-blooded killing machines! When I kill a bird I am evolving into a better cat and I have two owners who need to appreciate that a litle more!
Just so there's no confusion - her name is Katt. You know how they say What's in a name? Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. My point is that she's not really a cat. She's more like a human since she's not furry like me and doesn't have a tail. She's the only human I know whose name is also my species. She seems to be a friend of my one owner (not the big one) as they get together and watch movies quite a bit and the big guy seems to want to avoid them. She is interested in my getting fed. And she lets me in. She seems to be quite attracted to me. She either likes being a mom or she has some kind of unnatural affection for me. I'm used to humans adoring me. Maybe she could be president of my fan club! I appreciate her letting me back in the house when I get bored with what's outdoors. That way I can look forward to being bored with what's indoors. HA!! |
Well, here we are again! Just sitting around waiting for medical attention. I'm feeling fine and don't mind sitting here with my pretty owner. The other one took this picture. To the extent that you can call it a picture - the composition is horrible! I'm here for a check up. I'm feeling fine (except for the ride in the PPU (personal prison unit) which always gets me in a bad mood! |
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We don't have to wait long and Maggie, the Vet Tech, comes in. After a few pleasantries and questions she checks my weight. I'm always a little self-conscious when my weight is checked. I don't know what that's all about because when I checked this morning, I was looking mighty fine. So it turns out in the last 5 months I've gone from 11 lb 2 oz to 11 lb 10 oz. That's good news for me to gain 8 ounces! That's good because that virtually guarantees that I'll continue to get morning and evening Fancy Feast Grilled Seafood dinner with gravy! All the Fancy Feast's with gravy are super! |
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One thing that this hospital needs to do is get with the times. All my European cat friends always talk in metric and this place never does. That half a pound that I've added on to my handsomeness is 226 grams. You know what's really funny about that? That's about what a rat weighs! That's funny and disgusting at the same time! |
Maggie takes me to the "back room" and I sit around for awhile. There don't seem to be any clear escape routes. Oh - and the "back room" is no "back room" - it's a major veterinary medical facility with so many gizmos it makes your head spin. |
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Well, it doesn't take long for them to get in gear. Time is money! (I've never heard them say that, but I bet they do! They got to with all the fancy art work on the walls around here. Everything is paintings of cats or dogs. Obviously no paintings of cats with dogs because that would be perverted! Now that I think about it, it's probably the cat paintings that are pricey; the dog paintings look rather cheap. To be honest, I wouldn't even call them art. I don't want to get into a discussion of Aesthetics but these dog paintings could only be considered art from a Relativistic point of view. You know, like dog paintings are good compared to mouse poo! ha ha ha! I'm sure for a couple of packages of Twinkies one could hire someone with a PhD in post-modernism to try and make sense out of dog paintings, but I don't have time for that kind of crap. Now let's get back to me! |
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Here I'm getting the needle because they have to take some of my blood so they can do a complete blood count (a CDC). They'll be able to tell me how I'm doing. That's good because I wouldn't want an incomplete blood count! People would start wondering what trailer park I was from! I wonder if this test could tell if dogs are vampires? I bet quite a few of them are. It seems just like the sort of disgusting thing a dog would like to do. Lots of dogs are blood fetishists so it only stands to reason that lots of them are vampires. That's just common sense! |
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Well finally I get real medical attention. By "real" I mean from a real doctor. And not a regular vet type. My doctor, Dr Prouix is certified and stuff. His name sounds French but I don't think he is because he's really nice. He's a certified Diplomate in Oncology and in Radiation Oncology. I don't know what the hell that means but if you have two Diplomate things that has to be good! Plus, his titles sound really scientific. I like that - I don't want some witch doctor throwing some chicken bones to tell me how I'm doing! |
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Although I'm getting checked over plenty good, I'm starting to get a little tired of it. I get poked, blood drawn, my heart listened to by one of those stetho-thingies. |
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I THOUGHT things were going pretty good until THIS little procedure took place! Since the first time I went to a vet I've thought vet techs are sneaky. They always act really nice and then the next thing you know you either have a needle poked in you or something poked up your behind! |
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Well, I'm all done and hanging out with the two owners to see how I scored on the tests. Or whatever they do with them. |
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It's all good news too! My blood scores are all normal and Dr. P says that my cancer is for all practical purposes in remission. I'm a little uneasy about this "for all practical purposes" lingo, but I'll let it slide. I'm feeling fine and I'm certainly looking fine, and I have a great appetite so life seems good to me! You might even say I have an appetite for life! It's been five months since I was here last and I've gained a rat's worth of weight and they say I'm good. Of course, I know I'm good. Hell, I'm good when I'm bad! HA! I'm going out and hunt lizards now! Sweeet! |