Tarra's one of my oldest sexy friends! I mean I've known her a long time - she's not like old or anything like my one owner. She came to see me last June according to my assistant who keeps my calendar. I don't pay much attention to times and dates. Well this time Tarra is getting married! This is pretty exciting! Naturally she wanted me in her photo. Not because she was marrying me (that would be weird!), but she likes me in her photos. I think she feels it gives her images an edgy feel with me in them. I'm happy to help out naturally. It's not like I got anything else really important to do.

Her and the photographer were taking lots of bridal pictures. You can see me in this first photo. I sort of popped up so I could be right there with Tarra. It was pretty fun. But I don't think the photographer liked me that much. He seemed easily annoyed. I don't think he gets along with fun people (like Tarra) and celebrities (like me) very well.
I was able to get into a second bridal portrait too! That was fun. I kinda poked my head in from the side. It's pretty obvious Tarra doesn't mind. She looks pretty in every picture of her. So do I, but the photographer seemed to lose his cool when I got into this picture. All I wanted to do was get a better look at the view (if you know what I mean!).

The photo guy yelled at me. He must be pretty religious too because he was saying quite of few religious words although I don't really think I'm a God forsaken cat. As pissy as he was, I seriously doubt that he gets any direct communications from God. He should ask WWJD? I don't think Jesus would yell at me. He seems to be big into that Salvation Army Couture <--- that's a joke! I came into the world with 9 lives and I got plenty left. Humans only get one life and assuming the photographer is a human (HA!!) he's got one life. He better watch out yelling at a cat. I'm not threatening him (technically speaking), but he better watch his P & Qs! I'm not sure what P&Qs mean exactly, but I bet the "P" stands for Pussy. That would make sense.
They kept taking more pictures. She only needed one picture of her glamorous self in that fancy wedding dress. It didn't make much sense that they had to take that many. I think it's because he's not a very good photographer. He should take lessons or something. When you're taking pictures of someone as pretty as Tarra you could probably be a pretty lame photographer! How hard can it be to take a good picture of Tarra. Point camera, push button. I think that pretty much covers all one would need to do.
So I thought if he's going to keep taking pictures, I'll poke my adorable Main Coon mug into one of these last pictures. He put some stuff on the one side so I couldn't hop in to photo like I did on the last one. But the coast was clear on the other side. So in I pop! (see photo below) This was pretty funny and I look really good too. Tarra thought this was pretty funny. So did I. The photoguy apparently doesn't have a sense of humor though since he knocked over one of those fancy light things when he tried to shoo me away. He got pretty steamed. I think he was mad that he lost his cool in front of a pretty bride like Tarra.

Given the photodude's lack of humor I decided not to get into more of the photos. At the time I thought they weren't going to turn out very good anyway, but I was wrong about that. Which just proves that you don't have to be a good photographer to get a glamorous picture of Tarra. No offense to the photographer. I'm sure he's good at something (I'm a milk bowl half full kind of cat). It's not my fault he's sorta lame at taking pictures. Tarra and I hung out for a while and she scratched me under the chin and petted me for awhile. She knows all my pleasure zones! It would have been perfect if she would have sneaked me a bowl of Grilled Fancy Feast Tuna with Gravy. I still have no idea who she's going to marry in that dress. Nobody deserves to be
that lucky!
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